Saturday, July 7, 2007

Road to Nirvana

Rishi was smitten by it --- simply smitten. He was in awe of the job, the company profile, the pay, the amenities and what it promised as a brand name. Most importantly, for him at least, everyone else thought that this job would be the crowning glory of their careers, and they were quite in awe of the job, too! Therefore, it had to be good.

Rishi tried then to find out all about it. He checked all the quick routes he knew: googling for question papers, looking at yahoo groups and firing off an email to anyone in any college he knew where this company had visited. He got hold of all the urban legends about the interviews, what they grilled about, what sort of dress code was expected, he wanted it all! And what he really wanted was a shortcut: somehow to trick the interviewers and sneak in. Rishi's time in the last few days oscillated between memorizing answers to questions they had asked earlier and finding out the latest rumours about the company. Who cared about the textbooks and what he had learnt? He knew the answers to the questions that they had been asking, and that was all that was going to matter! What if they asked him to elaborate the answer? Umm... he'll manage something.

Finally, D-day arrived: the company visited their campus. But fate had dealt the quirkiest blow to his dreams --- Rishi wasn't shortlisted at all! And why so? Because apparently his resume didn't show promise. He was on the borderline of the marks requirements, but the recruiters were looking for something else. "What the fuck else??", he echoed along with many of his friends. He never really understood how that uncool nerdy Kapil was selected! He even had lower marks than Rishi did! Yeah fine he asked a few intelligent questions in the class --- but how, just how?? How did they see promise in him whereas they didn't do in Rishi?

All his notions were disabused now. Rishi openly proclaimed his hatred for the company. How it made disasters out of its employees, how they had no social life. He hunted on Orkut for all the "I hate ___" communities, told everybody else all the rumours he could find there. When asked, he would say, "I don't care!". But he did care. Even though he never told anyone, he still cared. He expressed glee when the stocks fell even by a single rupee, he grinned secretly when he read a newspaper article about how that company might face competition in the future from some other startups. But he still knew its worth, and wanted to be a part of it. Oh, he didn't want to work for it though: "I'll sneak in" is what he thought and applied again, in secret this time.

When the second rejection came, however, Rishi was truly beyond caring. He had a job from another mass recruiter, and he was content. He had applied himself to his studies, he found the new concepts really interesting. He even succeeded in getting the highest marks in one subject! Oh, it was all so interesting to him now: he even wrote and presented a paper about it in the IIT Techfest. There was so muc to learn, to explore and find out. There couldn't be a doubt --- he liked what he did. Sometimes he even smiled to himself how he had hankered after a petty job. He had honestly stopped caring about the job now, any job! He wanted to go for an MTech, or maybe an MS in the USA if he could. There was a certain peace within himself now that he didn't want the job any more.

And then, one fine morning, he found in his inbox an email from the HR of that ____ company. "Dear Mr. Rishi, we are pleased to offer you .... ". They were offering him a job. Apparently their management had been very impressed with him during his paper presentation and wanted him to come and continue his work at their company. As he finished reading through the email, Rishi smiled. It had come to him only when he didn't need it any more --- his detachment had made him worthy of the job itself.


Anonymous said...

tats such a lovely story... and its so true as well... its kind of like a pencil u lost and cudnt find so u gt a new one... n den u find d offending pencil between d pades f a book ur reading (tho ur sure u chkd it b4) :P

does tat mk sense? :D

Gunjan Aylawadi said...

this is hw things shud b!
thanks to mass recruiters,not many knw d value of good knowledge!

Unknown said...

A very realistic story. A good one! Life is like that!

Strider said...

so did Rishi accept the offer?
engrossing story this! :D

starry said...

Interesting story and very well written. I think life is like that, just when you think you are all set something else comes in your should write a sequel to this so we will know if Rishi excepted the offer or not.

The Black King said...

Dumbum, thanks! That pencil example was good, although not exactly what I meant. I'll add a sentence to that post to make it clear. :)

Gunj, yeah... only if it was.

Thanks, Divya... as it happens, life is like that!

Strider, if I had been in Rishi's shoes I wouldn't have taken it. Thanks, anyway :)

Thanks a lot, Starry Nights --- will see if I can make a sequel sometime. :)

Princess Stefania said...

I always loved the story "Sour Grapes".
Seems like a lovely way to deal with rejection.
Of course the orkut thing was a bit much....

Anonymous said...

A very good post on human methodology of thinking and a great end with detachment being instrumental in the offer.

bEAST said...

i wonder if such incidents have nything to do witht eh kind of energy that our brain generates. u know the think positive kind of thing etc. so maybe all that is true.

The Black King said...

Princess, thanks... that strategy always works. :) Yeah the orkut thing was a bit desperate, but as the author I got the liberty! :)

Mohan, thanks... :)

Beast... I don't know about that theory. They may be true: as long as they fit our needs I'm prepared to believe in anything!

Pri said...

nice. is it inspired by someone you know in real life?

The Black King said...

Welcome, Pri... and no, this is completely my own imagination. :)

arpana said...

it is the detachment that is important - unfortunately (or otherwise) detachment always does come at a price :)

The Black King said...

Arpana, very well summarized! :)

Banvri said...

wonderful plot with awesome presentation :)

looks close to reality n i m really very much agree with arpana :)

IncorrigibleV said...

hey sorry mez late...
awesome post though, very well written.
you know its all abt the caring, things come to u when uve stopped caring, except that it takes some ppl longer to stop and some ppl never realize that they ought to....ironic but true!

The Black King said...

Chitrangada, thanks a lot! :) And looks like all the great women also think alike! :)

Hey Vandita... there's no gun at your head for not commenting! Although yeah, your comments do help a lot :) And thanks --- life indeed is a lot ironic.

Swetha said...

Is this fiction?

The Black King said...

Dushti, it is --- product of a full fertile imagination! :)

Swetha said...

Fertile...oops...for a moment I read that as futile :D

Nasia said...

hmmmmm.. another good one... :-) i m reading all together..